With the problem of global warming looming large on our planet the existence of many species are under threat. Researchers are racing to bring in new information on the impact of climate change on global biodiversity (Walther et al. 2002; Parmesan & Yohe 2003; Campbell et al. 2009; Xu et al. 2009; Bellard et al. 2012; Gottfried et al. 2012; Shrestha et al. 2012). There have been a large number of studies that have documented range shifts of species due to climate change (Walther et al. 2005; Araujo & Rahbek 2006; Hickling et al. 2006; Chen et al. 2011). The new records on altitude of both flora and fauna as a result of range extension due to climate change have become quite frequent. In this context, we agree with Seimon et al. (2015) who have neatly summarized the three problems on new findings about altitude records in their Response to our paper (Subba et al. 2015). Furthermore, we agree with authors that often vital data may be hidden within other larger issues; as a result missing out on relevant data seems to be a reoccurring problem (Seimon et al. 2007a). In this age of easy access to information and an era where scientists and citizens are coming together to bridge the gap in information, there is a need to make the data easily available and visible. New records should also be followed by the exact location (latitude - longitude) where the species was observed or collected along with the stage of development.